Invisalign in Leduc

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A More Discreet Way to Straighten Teeth

Are you looking for a way to straighten your teeth without the noticeable appearance of metal braces? Look no further than Invisalign at TLC Family Dental Centre.

Invisalign offers a potential alternative to traditional braces. These custom-made clear aligners gently shift your teeth into the desired position over time, addressing a number of issues that could affect your oral health if left to develop.

Our team is ready to help you achieve a straighter smile with minimal effect on your daily life.

See for yourself how Invisalign can transform your smile. Book an appointment with us today!

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, BPA-free plastic aligners to gradually shift teeth. These aligners are custom-made to fit teeth and address dental issues like crookedness, overcrowding, tooth gaps, and bite misalignments.

The clear aligners make them popular with adults and teens who want a discreet way to straighten their smiles.

Is Invisalign Right for You?

Choosing between Invisalign and traditional braces depends on several factors, including your dental needs, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

When to Choose Invisalign

  • You prefer a discreet orthodontic solution.
  • You’re okay with wearing the aligners for 20-22 hours a day.
  • You have mild to moderate orthodontic concerns.
  • You’re okay with a potentially longer treatment compared to braces.

When to Choose Braces

  • You have complex orthodontic issues.
  • You may have difficulty keeping track of aligners.
  • You want a potentially shorter treatment period.
  • You prefer a set-and-forget treatment besides regular oral care.

How to Get Invisalign

Before suggesting Invisalign, we will first conduct a thorough dental exam. This evaluation allows us to determine whether Invisalign is the most suitable choice for your specific situation.

If we find that traditional orthodontic methods, such as braces, would better serve your dental goals or address more complex issues, we may recommend those alternatives.

Consultation & Preparation

The first step is to discuss your dental concerns with our team to determine if Invisalign is the right solution for you.

We’ll take 3D scans of your smile to develop your custom aligners. These scans are sent to a specialized lab to create your aligner trays.

Once they’re ready, we’ll schedule a fitting. During your fitting appointment, we’ll make sure your trays fit comfortably and securely.

We’ll also provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for and clean your Invisalign aligners, such as proper cleaning and storage techniques.

You’ll need to visit us periodically for follow-up appointments so we can monitor your progress and provide you with the next set of aligners.

If you have any questions or concerns, our team is always here to help you achieve the smile you deserve.

Caring for Your Invisalign Retainers

Proper care of your Invisalign aligners is essential for a successful treatment outcome. Here are some important tips:

  • Brush your aligners with a soft toothbrush.
  • Rinse your aligners with clean water regularly.
  • Store the aligners in their case when not in use.
  • Only drink water while wearing your retainers.
  • After eating, brush and floss before using your retainers again.

Although you’ll replace your aligners every few weeks, keeping them clean helps reduce the risk of bacteria buildup, aligner discolouration, and bad breath.

Book Your Consultation Today

Ready to start your Invisalign journey? Our team at TLC Family Dental Centre is here to guide you every step of the way.

Book your consultation with us today and take the first step towards a straighter smile.

Our Location

Inside the waiting area at TLC Family Dental

Our Address

  • 5209 Discovery Way #4
  • Leduc, AB T9E 8N4

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